
Liposuction Before and After

Safe & Secure Surgery | 20+ Years of Experience | Affordable Price | Hyderabad

Liposuction before and after Images are necessary for following reasons:

Realistic Expectations

Pictures can give you a realistic idea of the kind of results that are possible with liposuction. By seeing pictures, you can get an idea how much fat was removed and what your body will look like after healing, just like other patients' bodies healed by liposuction.

Decision Making

Liposuction Before and after pictures can help you get a sense of what to expect if you have liposuction. You may be able to get an idea of whether or not it is worth investing in the treatment, by comparing your body type and concerns with those of other patients who were successful with similar treatments.

Communication with the Surgeon

You can discuss your goals and expectations for the procedure with your surgeon by showing them pictures of what you want to look like after surgery and discuss if it is possible given both your unique body shape/size as well as other factors such as age, ethnicity, pregnancy history etc.

Judgment of Surgeon results

Surgeons can be evaluated by viewing the results achieved under their care, and this may help someone who is considering a specific procedure to make an informed choice.

Take Away

However, it is important to keep in mind that liposuction is not a one-size-fits-all procedure. The results may vary from person to person depending on his or her body type and condition. The purpose of before and after pictures is to give you an idea about the potential results that might be achieved through a procedure, and not as a guarantee. However, it is always best to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who can evaluate your preferences and goals and then discuss what’s possible based on those factors.

Liposuction Before and After - Our Surgeon

Dr. M. Shridharan is an expert in liposuction cosmetic surgery and Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. He has been performing liposuction cosmetic surgery for many years and is highly skilled. He has performed hundreds of liposuction procedures on many patients, both men and women in Hyderabad and Andhra Pradesh.

Patient 1

Abdomen and Lovehandles - Liposuction Before and After

At 27 years old, this woman had a nice figure but was self-conscious about specific areas of her body. She decided to have power-assisted liposuction with Dr. M Shridharan at Medin Centre. Power-assisted liposuction, also known as ultrasonic liposculpture or vibration-assisted lipectomy (V.A.L.) takes less time and is more effective than normal liposuction, it was used to remove the small amount of fat on her abdomen, back, and upper arms that were giving her body a pudgy appearance without having to remove any grease or loose weight from any other areas. After the surgery, she said it was a relief to see her body looking so much more attractive in the mirror, and even felt much more confident. She noticed a big difference between how she looked before and after liposuction.

Abdomen Liposuction Before and After
Abdomen Liposuction Before and After

Patient 2

Male Abdomen and Chest - Liposuction Before and After

The Liposuction before and after photos here exhibit the result after the gynecomastia and male liposuction surgery that was done for a 35 years old man who belongs to Hyderabad. The patient’s goal was to have a firmer abdomen, flanks, lower back, and chest area, and he chose to consult with Dr. M.Shridharan, who is highly experienced in body contouring. The procedure was performed in one sitting under a single anesthesia, and the initial post-surgery pictures show great improvements in the patient’s appearance.

While the liposuction ports on his abdomen are visible, they typically fade and become unnoticeable within 12 to 16 months. Dr. M.Shridharan strategically places most of the incision scars in areas that are not visible, such as the belly button, pubic area, and armpits. The patient’s primary objective in undergoing the surgery was to gain confidence and pleasure from his new body, whether or not he is wearing a shirt. He has been extremely pleased with the results of his surgery.

Stomach Liposuction Before and After
Stomach Liposuction Before and After
Stomach Liposuction Before and After
Stomach Liposuction Before and After

Patient 3

Abdomen and Thighs - Liposuction Before and After

A young model aged 23 from Bombay was apprehensive about losing weight through conventional methods of diet and exercise, as she believed it would make her face and neck appear too thin. She consulted with Dr.M.Shridharan at Medini Cosmetic Surgery in Hyderabad, who suggested power-assisted liposuction as a viable option.

The surgeon performed liposuction on her abdomen, waistline, and thighs using an electric motor to facilitate the removal of fatty deposits. This method resulted in a more refined physique than manual Liposuction methods typically produce. The 360-degree liposuction of her abdomen and thighs also enhanced her buttock contour, giving it a more appealing shape. The before and after pictures demonstrate how much this procedure has changed the patient’s body for the better, she now looks slimmer, healthier, and happier with her appearance.

Liposuction Before and After - Abdomen and thighs
Liposuction Before and After - Abdomen and thighs
Liposuction Before and After - Abdomen and thighs
Back Liposuction Before and After

Patient 4

Back Liposuction Before and After

The before and after pictures presented here display the outcome of liposuction surgery performed on a 32-year-old individual. The surgery targeted the patient’s stomach, flank, and upper back crease. Her primary objective was to feel comfortable without having to conceal her figure behind loose clothing and confidence in her own body. Even though she kept a strict workout regimen and followed a healthy diet, the patient struggled to lose weight from her midsection. But now that she has undergone surgery, this woman is overjoyed with her results and feels much more confident than before.

Back Liposuction Before and After

Patient 5

Axillary Breast - Liposuction Before and After

The patient had experienced swelling in her armpits for an extended period, which made it difficult to wear sleeveless dresses. She was tired of having to rely on long-sleeved clothing due to the swelling which caused rubbing and friction when wearing short sleeves and wanted something more comfortable. The patient was also worried about the possibility of developing breast cancer, so she visited Dr. M. Shridharan at Medini Cosmetic Centre in Hyderabad to see if her armpit swelling could be treated there as well. After reviewing the ultrasound and mammogram reports, the patient was reassured that it was not related to cancer.

The surgeon made a small incision and inserted a suction tube into each armpit. By removing excess fat, he was able to eliminate the armpit swelling and discomfort associated with large breasts. The patient was able to wear sleeveless dresses again and felt no pain after the surgery. She was also convinced that liposuction of the armpits can be a highly effective solution for individuals suffering from this condition.

Under Arm Liposuction Before and After
Under Arm Liposuction Before and After
Under arm Liposuction Before and After

Patient 6

Arm Liposuction - Liposuction Before and After

The patient, a 30-year-old individual, had grown tired of her chubby arms and had attempted to lose weight with no success. She found it uncomfortable to wear sleeveless dresses, and her arms made her appear more overweight than she was. Despite her best efforts, she was unable to achieve her desired results. As a result, she sought the expertise of Dr. M. Shridharan at Medini Cosmetic Surgery in Hyderabad. After seeing numerous before and after photos of previous patients, she was convinced to undergo surgery. As a result, she underwent VASER Liposuction to remove approximately 350 ml of fat from each arm. Her arms are now slim and toned, allowing her to wear sleeveless dresses with confidence.

Arm Liposuction Before and After
Liposuction Before and After
Arms Liposuction Before and After

Patient 7

Double Chin Liposuction Before and After

The patient, a 28-year-old individual, had been dealing with a double chin for the past five years. The condition made him look older and less attractive. Seeking a solution, he consulted with Dr. M. Shridharan at Medini Cosmetic Surgery in Hyderabad. The surgeon explained the procedure in detail, and the patient opted for daycare surgery. VASER liposuction was performed on his chin, which provided quicker and more effective results than other procedures. The patient was able to return to his normal routine within a week, and he appeared to have shed ten years from his appearance. The new look gave him a boost of confidence, and he could now smile without any hesitation. Overall, he was thrilled with the outcome of the procedure.

Double chin Liposuction Before and After
Double chin Liposuction Before and After
Double chin Liposuction Before and After

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Medini Cosmetic Surgery Centre - Liposuction & Gynecomastia in Hyderabad