Other Beauty Surgeries
Other Beauty Surgeries
Mole Excision Surgery In Hyderabad
Mole removal is the excision of unwanted dark-pigmented growths. People often decide to remove moles for cosmetic reasons because of their size or location. Mole removal encompasses the removal of skin tags, raised moles, and flat moles. Some moles appear as flat or raised clusters of heavily pigmented skin cells on or above the skin’s surface showing signs of cancerous transformation of the moles.
Acne Scar Treatment in Hyderabad
Scar revision surgery is a procedure that is done to minimize the appearance of scars. The surgery holds the potential to change the size of a scar, raise depressed scars or lower elevated scars and fade the appearance of a scar. While the scar’s color cannot be removed, it will help fade it out with time. Medini cosmetic surgery offers an extensive range of cosmetic surgeries, including scar revision surgery that certified doctors will perform.
Mommy Makeover Surgery
Pregnancy changes women, mentally, physically, and emotionally. It brings a wave of change in a woman’s body. A cosmetic surgeon can effectively help give you a 360 transformation. The mommy makeover surgery reinstates the overall shape and looks of a woman’s body after pregnancy. A mommy makeover surgery can help fix any part of the body including the breasts, abdomen, waist, buttocks, etc.